A note on our blogs: It has become easier for Sylvia to use her photo cards on her Travelingrandma blog and for me to use my photos on this one. Consequently, you´re getting a more Stacey-oriented blog here and I don´t want you to miss Sylvia´s pictures, so check out www.travelingrandma.blogspot.com
The 5 photos in this edition are mostly from San Pedro (but the order is a little off). We didn´t take very many photos in Panajachel because it was too touristy for our tastes but I´ve included one (#2) of a wonderful, talented women named Juana we met on the street. Her talent for weaving was incredible and she agreed to pose for a picture since I bought a huipil from her (the gorgeous blue one I´m holding).
The 1st picture shows a very nice man who was gardening in his traditional clothes, the pants (usually capri length) rolled up above the knee. I engaged him in a conversation about the names of trees and he was gracious enough to let me take his picture - one of my favorites on this trip.
The next photo shows my classroom yesterday, a palapa cover with table and chairs with a view of one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - amazing. Sylvia´s spot had an even more incredible view and I think there are 10 similar spaces, all surrounded by gorgeous gardens. The gardener, Dolfino, is a wonderful anciano (very old man) and a prime example of why I´m learning to speak Spanish - to meet and enjoy conversation with folks like Juana, the happy guy in the shorts, and Dolfino.
The produce here is vibrant and beautiful; the 4th picture is an example from the San Pedro market a block from my house.
Sylvia and I spent hours walking on the narrow pathways that weave around this town. The man in shorts photo was taken on one and photo number 5 was taken from one as it hit a dead end by the lake. It shows a man working in his corn field with fisherman in boats just off shore. Enjoy!
Happy trails!
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