The 5 photos in this batch represent our last adventures in Nebaj
First is a photo of me (Stacey) learning to make boxboles, the traditional food specific to this area. They are corn meal wrapped in squash leaves and boiled; you eat the leaves and all with picante sauce, very tasty.
Next is a photo I took of me with my host family; I´m the one on the right. :o) My host father is running for mayor of Nebaj. I told him everyone should vote for him because no one else could possible be more handsome. He announced to the family today that I´m returning to Nebaj next summer with my family and we´re going to live with them - news to me! What a joker, ja, ja, ja (that is Spanish for ha, ha, ha in case you did not know).
Syl and I hiked 7 or 8 miles yesterday up (and I mean UP) to a small village called Cocop. The 3rd picture is a view of the village from the hill above. The 4th is a woman and her daughter preparing a traditional meal for us, a savory soup with squash leaves, tomatoes, and eggs served with fresh tortillas. The last photo is the food. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed that meal!!!
Happy trails,
Stacey and Sylvia
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