Hi, all -
Our wonderful trip is winding down and we are really missing home and loved ones and are ready to return. We haven{t had decent internet access for a few days so I am going to try to post 2 or 3 pages in one sitting.
This 1st set is of Rio Dulce and Livingston on the Caribbean coast. The top photo is the view from my hammock on the balcony of our room at Bruno´s in Rio Dulce. It´s a little dark but you might be able to make out my feet in the hammock to the right.
The next is a classic - Sylvia with a big smile because she found diet coke (Coca Light here) in bottles - a daily goal often requiring a lot of stomping around, peering into dark coolers, and asking in Spanish.
The 3rd photo is a woman and her son on the river trip to Livingston. We stopped at a hot springs and I hiked with a guide to a nearby cave, very cool.
The 4th photo is also on the Rio Dulce, fishermen hauling in nets.
The 5th is my topado in Livingston - a classic Garifuna meal. It was a soup made with coconut milk and bananas and a variety of seafood including shrimp and crab still in the shells and a whole small fish, complete with teeth and eyes. I covered the fish´s head with a piece of banana and enjoyed the rest.
The last photo is just a simple, classic market scene - pineapples and sugar cane against a bright colored building.
Happy trails!
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